Just received this email from the Boston Antioch College (my alma mater) Alumni Group:
At 2 p.m. EST, the Antioch University Board of Trustees, in historic collaboration with the Alumni Board, agreed today to lift the suspension of operations at Antioch College originally slated for June 30, 2008. This decision, which follows intensive discussions between the University Board of Trustees and the Alumni Board, means that Antioch College will continue to offer academic credits and degrees to current students.
Amazing effort on part of alumni to raise the money needed to keep operations going. And indicative of the commitment of the Board of Trustees, most of whom are alums, to be open-minded and reverse a highly controversial decision.
I will write more about this in the days to come but this is quite a story in collaboration.
Meanwhile, here's the New York Times/AP article, Antioch College to Stay Open, already running on its site and on the International Herald Tribune site.
And from the collaboration point-of-view, alumni et al were able to listen to the college-wide meeting that took place in Yellow Springs, Ohio, which went on for three hours this afternoon, via streaming audio, and to participate in an 90-person chat, where people were able to post questions that others answered, identify who was speaking, and clarify points. Meanwhile, there was live blogging coming from the meeting itself, documents sent around to alums --and posted to the alumni website--while we were listening.
High fives to everyone involved. As Steve Schwerner, college alum and professor emeritus, said, "That [meaning the Board of Trustees' reversal of its decision] was the easy part."
I've written a number of posts about the Antioch situation.