Photo of Ben Kieffer by Tom Jorgensen (thanks!)
Please join me, along with two other authors who contributed to Voices of Multiple Sclerosis, on Iowa Public Radio's The Exchange with Ben Kieffer, tomorrow, Fri, Jan 8, 2010, at 1 PM ET (GMT-5) for an hour-long live show. Here's the copy from the IPR site:
Ben Kieffer talks with individuals who have offered their compelling stories in the new book, 'Voices of Multiple Sclerosis'. The book offers candid, heartfelt, and inspiring testimonials of 40 diverse individuals who have been affected by the crippling disease. Among the guests is Dr. Terry Wahls of Iowa City, who overcame secondary progressive MS through intensive nutrition and exercise coupled with electrical stimulation.
In addition to Terry, whose courageous story, "Telling the World," of revealing her MS to her medical colleagues while maintaining an active clinical and teaching practice, is worthy of its own book, and me (my original essay, "Feeling Numb," from which the one in this book was extracted), will be a third author, Caryl Hunter, whose story in the book, "Tough Year," still haunts me.
And, in case you missed it, here's my last post on the book, including links to blogs of other authors in the collection.