My college roommate, Sylvia, a font of wisdom, has a great saying for her kids: "If you need something, shop at home first." Well, even for those who hate shopping -- or who need something more than Bandaids, we are all bound to do some in the weeks to come.
Here's a way to do it with a kick - an auction (they're running once a month, this one from today through Dec 7) to benefit the Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center (see below for details).
Bling! Brownies! Brady! Babble! (er, the chance to have me speak to your organization)
All good and here's what you're helping:
Located at 130 Boylston St, across from the Boston Common, the Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center opened in 1994 to serve the health care needs of homeless youth and young adults, many of whom engage in unsafe sex with adults in exchange for money, food or a place to sleep.
The Borum provides primary medical care as well as mental health and substance abuse counseling, HIV counseling, testing and risk reduction reinforcement, as well as other clinical and social services. Its primary focus is on young people who have been unable to gain acceptance in more traditional health care settings for a variety of reasons, including homelessness and involvement in street life and the sex industry.
The Borum provides care to HIV positive adolescents and young adults and those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender and, therefore, at risk of not receiving culturally and clinically appropriate services.