I've posted about the value of the Solstice programs many times before and recommend this generous offer without reservation. Read this notice from them and take advantage!
Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, Mass, is making a select number of its graduate-level creative writing courses open to the public for auditing during the January Residency of its Solstice MFA Program, scheduled from January 1–10, 2010.
One local writer, a post-graduate student, said: “…I think Solstice MFA classes can fill an unmet need for Boston’s writing community —to provide bursts of momentum to working writers who may not want the intensity of instruction found in either an MFA Program or a long-term advanced level workshop, but can benefit immensely from individual master classes.”
Classes are open to serious writers working at all levels; auditors are encouraged to complete the advance preparation requirements for any MFA class they wish to attend.
January 2010 MFA classes that are open to the public include:
Cross-genre courses:An Eye for an I: Lyrical Elements in Poetry — A Gift for the Prose Writer
Narrative Arrival: A Craft Class for All Genres
A course on film adaptations of the novel:
Is the Book Always Better?•
Every Word Counts: Crafting Nonfiction That Sings
Maxine Hong Kingston: A Trans-Genre Memoirist•
Two fiction courses:
Place in Fiction: Larry McMurtry and Thalia, Texas
Action that Shakes the Page
Structure & Artistic Memory
A class on how writers can engage with their communities:
Higher Ground: How to Enrich Your Community and Make a Difference Through Your Art