Our wonderful city of Newton, Mass., elected Setti Warren as our new mayor today. Several firsts here: Setti is the first African-American to become the city's mayor, the first Iraq war veteran, possibly the youngest person to ever win -- and also quite possibly the first twin to hold the post, a unique qualification that speaks only to certain people.
I originally met Setti through the Freedom House board, where we were both members (I still am). I liked him immediately: he's warm and thoughtful and inventive -- and I'm delighted to see him taking on this challenge.
What won me over to supporting him was an odd thing, really. A friend had made a video of one of Setti's opponents. After watching it, I wondered whether Setti had anything comparable so I searched and found this. Take the time to watch. And keep an eye on us here in Newton. The Garden City may become the Future City with Setti in the mayor's office.
Go, Setti!