If you've ever...
... felt you're so different that you don't match the rest of humankind (a few of us); or
... thought the world might end precipitously (some of us); or
... had your heart broken (that would be most of us); or
... tolerated an annoying sibling, lost a parent, enjoyed a baseball game, or lived in Boston (have I gotten everyone else?); or, just in case I've missed someone...
... heard a voice in your most quiet mind that tells you what's about to happen (hmmm);
...wanted to hold those you love most tight in your most fearful moment...
Read Ron Currie's new book, Everything Matters!
It's risky reading books by friends. You want to love the book because you love them while, at the same time, if you're a really good friend, you have to be honest otherwise they'll never trust your opinion.
So I read with trepidation but only for a few pages because soon I was burning through them so fast that I was also wishing I could slow the whole thing down yet none of this was possible because before I knew it, 320 pages had slipped past, I turned Arctic cold, my arm hairs literally (it's a book) were standing straight up, and I was reaching for the phone to call Ron to tell him that this book is indeed one apart.
All the stars line up for a great read - Ron's usual energetic writing and ability to reach for words that elude others, not fancy words, just ways of using those we know in ways we've never known; a story that likely has never crossed your mind (at least not mine); insight into broken characters that both provokes that inner click and makes you wish you could redo their lives for them...and so much love for parents and children that...let me only say this: If I type much more, I'll have to have the keyboard repaired from water damage.
And then there's the ending, previously noted. Others who've read it have described sobbing at the end, ignoring their very own children, or, as one person wrote: "It's a life-changing book. I'm beside myself with emotion. I want everyone in the world to read this book."
That means you. Please read it and tell me what you think. If you've already read, then lucky you.
Thank you, Mr. Currie, for what must have been a lot of tears yourself to get to the end.