Long title for what promises to be a good day with the Boston KM Forum on March 31: "Leveraging Virtual Teams & Social Tools for Business Advantage: Blogs, Wikis, Twitter, et al."
Larry Chait, managing director of Chait and Associates, moderates a full program that includes, guess who, along with some truly worthwhile speakers, including my virtual pal, Ken George, who commandeers new media at WBUR, our local public radio station (OK, we also have WGBH - no offense, friends-over-there):
We’re all aware of the explosion in the use of social tools—teenagers embrace them, our new President used them extensively in his recent campaign, and the press is full of hype about their potential. And books and articles on virtual teaming abound.
But what value have they had for business enterprises? Who is really getting value from them?
In this symposium, we will explore virtual teams and social tools—and their value in leveraging knowledge. We will discuss tools and techniques, share learnings, and hear case examples. Our speakers will be: Jessica Lipnack, CEO of NetAge and co-author of Virtual Teams, and Suzanne O. Minassian, Lotus Connections Product Manager, IBM, Ken George, New Media Manager at WBUR, Chuck Hollis of EMC, and Sadalit Van Buren of Knowledge Management Associates.
Register here
8:15 AM - 4:00 PM, March 31, 2009
Bentley College, Adamian Campus Center, Waltham, MA