Keen readers may recall my post, "What Mom Says," wherein I uploaded Anita Renfroe's hilarious rendition of the William Tell Overture, whereby she compresses into just under three minutes what a mother is prone to say in 24 hours. It provoked one of my biggest days ever on ye ole blogge as friends far and wide laughed themselves silly watching her video.
I'm reminded of Ms Renfroe - thanks to our Twitter followers/followees over at The Boston Channel, who just reported on the newest rule passed by the Billerica, Mass, Board of Selectmen. For those of you from away, selectmen are the peculiar version of town council members unique to New England.
"Town Bans 'Texting' at Selectman Meetings," (don't-cha love the special quotes around texting?), says The Boston Channel report, from which I now quote:
Billerica's board of selectmen voted 3-2 Monday night to ban its members from sending text messages and e-mails during its public meetings.
Selectman Bob Correnti said he proposed the ban after a resident complained to him that it was "annoying" to see fellow Selectman Marc Lombardo texting while others were speaking. Correnti also said he was concerned that text messages could become public records...
("Annoying?" It's a good thing people can't see what the selectmen are thinking, which might be even more disturbing than watching them text.)
Why the title for the post and how does it relate? One of the unforgettable lines in "What Mom Says" comes in a string of don't-you-dares and is precisely: "No texting at the table." Got that, Mr. Lombardo?