I've had a few problems with Verizon, as devoted readers know. But this might be the best day yet. (I'm on hold, thus plenty of time to write this. And, for the record, they have realllly bad music when you're on hold. Very loud, very bad music.)
For example, did you know that Verizon doesn't have--sit down--voicemail? Someone called me ("Mrs Gillis," Dobie's mother, perhaps?). Left a number to return her call. Guess what? Dobie's mom doesn't have voicemail.
Numerous attempts to reach her. Numerous "conversations" with "Hi, I can help you," you know, that "person" whose task is to keep anyone from ever reaching a real "person."
Five attempts later, I finally got through to someone who transferred me to someone: Mrs. Looney. Yup. Mrs. Looney. Just got off the phone with Mrs. Looney.
And I haven't even mentioned being transferred previously - by Verizon - to the National Center for Emergency Gas Leaks. Wait, I did. I just love bringing it up again.
I could go on but this is enough for now.
No, I have to finish the rant: For a month, *our* business voicemail didn't work, nor did our line hunting. Then they "fixed" it. Truly. After that, our lines didn't ring at all.
Skypeo, wherefore art thou, Skypeo?