Thank you, Boston Globe. Today's editorial, "Time to hang up and drive," puts into numbers what I've been harping on ("Seriously, get off the flippin' phone"). Please, please. Do as I've done and, as the Globe says: "Friends don't let friends drive drunk. It is time to say friends also don't let friends yak on the cell or text-message on the Crackberry at the wheel."
One friend has stopped calling me from his car - but it's because, as he admitted in a weak moment, he's still offending. Here are some sobering stats from the Globe:
THE EVIDENCE won't let drivers off the hook. It is time for a total ban on all cellphone use while driving.
The federally chartered National Safety Council recently called for a national ban on cellphone use, whether hand-held or hands-free. It cited a 2003 Harvard risk analysis estimating cellphones are involved in 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, and 2,600 deaths a year.