Stella, who's keeping up with all things telecommuting-wise, points to "Videoconferencing Etiquette," a NY Times piece about how to behave on a videoconference. Good, basic advice, including this, the drum beat of our time, as per my last post: "Don't be distracted: Checking your Blackberry every couple minutes or looking around the room can distract other participants. Focus on the meeting and don't try to get other work done."
This article reminds me of a videoconference I once watched when Digital Equipment Corporation was the dominant force in Massachusetts industry: A bunch of execs were participating in a cross-Atlantic conference, including the head of DEC in Europe. Alone in his office, sitting behind a very big desk and very elegantly attired, he, on mute, answered the phone, spoke with people who came into his office, and generally ignored the whole event. This is not the way to do it.