No email. Strange. Explained by this perhaps? Chris in Idearc Tech Support is perplexed too, says not to accept any info unless it comes from him. I asked Amber from Internet Operations to test the timestamp problem on her Mac at home - she has approximately the same operating system as I do.
On to the purpose of this post. Does anyone know what this is? It's along the walking path on the south side of the Charles near Boston (locals: between Bridge Street and Watertown Square parallel to California Street in Newton). It's marked with a large N and the number 13 on the left side. Looks like it's been there for a while.
Update: As per Doug Cornelius's comment below, there's a W on the opposite site of this granite marker, W for Watertown, N for Newton, in other words, the boundary.
And since we're on the Charles already, here's a snapshot from the footbridge toward the Watertown dam that powered an old New England Mill.