Metanet, the online conversation started a quarter-century ago by Frank Burns and nurtured forevermore by Lisa Kimball, is celebrating with a party in Washington, DC, at the end of March. Lisa is such a prodigious networker that we profiled her in The Age of the Network (see "All the way to New York to buy a modem," Chapter 7). Wish I could be there. Metanet was the second online community I joined (EIES was first). Over the years, many good ideas and, more importantly, deep friendships have grown from the connections it's spawned. All will miss Frank at this celebration, whose laugh I can hear just typing this. Congratulations, Lisa, and warm fuzzies to all my friends from Spirit, the women's conference there.
With Lisa's permission, I'm posting the anniversary party details here as I know at least some friends from those days are reading:
MetaNetwork is 25 years old this spring and we're having a party! You and all your family are invited !
It will be held in the afternoon of March 29th - probably around 2pm the home of:
Lois Mandelberg
6303 Waterway Place
Falls Church, Virginia 22044mamalois[at]hotmail[dot]com
703-658-7776 (h)
Plans for pot luck are being organized in the MetaNet25 conference on Metanet ..
Hope we'll see you there! * lisa