I received this lovely message yesterday from Trudy Johnson-Lenz. All who love her and Peter - and all the rest of you who benefit from their ground-breaking work - will release a deep sigh after reading this. I'm posting these two astonishing pictures with her permission. Also of note: Trudy is in the 25% of people with injuries like hers who recover. Congratulations to her doctors on what must have been very tricky surgery to yield such promising results. Keep those healing thoughts flowing her way.
I had a good follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon Wednesday, after yet another CAT scan. He's *very* impressed with my recovery and wants to put the bone flap back in on Jan. 8. That's probably another two-day hospital stay. He said that sometimes he waits as long as 6 months to replace the bone flap, but I'm doing so well that he wants to do it soon. I'm ready!
I got the sutures removed Wednesday, too, so no more itching and pulling. Yay! (Well, there are still some scabs on the incision that get irritated by prolonged helmet wear, but this is mostly a petty annoyance.) It was also fascinating to see difference in the CAT scans from the time of the surgery and yesterday. Pretty cool technology. I saw the center of my brain pushed 1.5 inches to the left before the surgery. Nemecek [neurosurgeon] said of others with this condition that 50% die and 25% recover with major disabilities. I seem to be in the blessed small percentage with no disabilities. I am so deeply grateful.