Bob Herbert's NY Times column of Sept 25, 2007, mentions Carolyn Goodman (I need to make a category for her - meanwhile, posts here or here or here or here):
Dr. Carolyn Goodman, a woman I was privileged to call a friend, died last month at the age of 91. She was the mother of Andrew Goodman, one of the three young civil rights activists shot to death by rabid racists near Philadelphia, Miss., in 1964.
Dr. Goodman, one of the most decent people I have ever known, carried the ache of that loss with her every day of her life.
Carolyn's memorial service is Sunday, October 7, 2007, at 4:00 PM at New York Society for Ethical Culture, 64th Street and Central Park West, New York, NY.
If you're attending, please send an email to melbrady at optonline dot net