Michael Sampson, the New Zealand based collaboration expert, is tireless. Today, another catalog of posts on the people side of collaboration and virtual teams. If you're new to this area, it's worth clicking through to all the links Michael lists as this post is chockful of good thinking. If you're an old-timer, you might find yourself going directly to Dilbert on Telecommuting.
To be honest, I haven't communed with Dilbert for a very long time but this set of cartoons is positively prescient. How many people (other than us and a handful of our friends) truly were telecommuting in 1995? That said, Dilbert's notion of skipping the act of dressing while working from home flies in the face of the advice from the WIRED issue that I mentioned a few days ago. WIRED says the Full Monty is hardly the way to go. Get dressed as if you're going to work, WIRED recommends. Yeah, right.